H.1 General Expectations
H.2 Joint Development of Proposed Changes
H.3 Unresolved Differences

H.1 General Expectations

a. A proposed change to the Academic Faculty & Administrative Professional Manual (hereinafter referred to as the “Manual”) may be initiated by either the Faculty Council or the Administrative Professional Council.

b. It is generally expected that a proposed change to the Manual that affects faculty will be approved by the Faculty Council prior to its submission to the Board by the President.

c. It is generally expected that a proposed change to the Manual that affects administrative professionals will be approved by the Administrative Professional Council prior to its submission to the Board by the President.

d. When both councils will be expected to approved a proposed change to the Manual, it is generally expected that the proposed change will be developed jointly by the two councils.

H.2 Joint Development of Proposed Changes

When either of the two councils decides to initiate a proposed change to the Manual, the initiating council shall inform the other council of its intention to initiate the proposed change. The Chair of each council shall assign an appropriate working group from that council to work on the proposed change. Draft proposals (including proposed changes to previous draft proposals) produced by either working group shall be sent to the other working group for a response. It will often be useful for the two working groups to meet jointly to discuss the proposed change. It is generally expected that the two working groups will come to agreement on a final version of the proposed change prior to its submission to either council for a formal vote.

In the unlikely event that the two working groups cannot reach agreement on a final version of the proposed change, each council may submit a draft proposal to its membership for discussion, possible amendment, and a possible vote. In this case, when the proposed change is presented at the meeting of each council, the agenda packet shall include written arguments from both working groups, and representatives of both working groups shall be allowed to address the council members at the meeting.

If the two councils approve different versions of the proposed change, or if one council votes to oppose a proposed change passed by the other council, then the Chairs of the two councils shall form an ad hoc committee to attempt to resolve any differences. If this committee comes to an agreement on a final version of the proposed change, then it shall be submitted to each council for final approval.

H.3 Unresolved Differences

In the unlikely event that the ad hoc committee is unable to agree on a final proposal, then each council may decide to present its version of the proposed change to its membership for a vote, or to vote to oppose the proposed change passed by the other council. In this case, when the proposed change is presented at the meeting of each council, the agenda packet shall include written arguments from both working groups, and representatives of both working groups shall be allowed to address the council members at the meeting.

If this results in two different versions of the proposed changes being approved by the two councils, or one council approving a proposed change and the other council voting to oppose that change, then each council shall send their proposals and arguments to the President. The President shall then decide whether or not to submit a proposed change to the Board for approval.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]