Who We Are

Faculty Council is the representative body for the academic faculty in shared governance at CSU. The Faculty Council, subject to statutes of the State and regulations and policies of the Board of Governors (BOG), has jurisdiction over the general educational policies of the University and passes all rules and regulations necessary to University government. Faculty Council membership consists of one elected representative from each academic department and the Libraries, and a proportionate representation from each college as voting members. Upper-level administrators are ex officio non-voting members.


Academic Freedom and Civil Discourse in Higher Education: A National Study of Faculty Attitudes and Perceptions — AAC&U and AAUP


Faculty Council Executive Committee Statement on Reduced Credit-Hour Degree Programs

21 November 2024

The Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) recently issued guidance on offering reduced-credit (90 credit-hour) bachelor’s programs. In response to this guidance, the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) and Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CDHE) are considering future revisions to Colorado Revised Statutes section 23-1-125(1)(a) and/or section 23-1-125(2) that might allow for reduced credit-hour degree programs (i.e., “bachelor’s” degree programs with fewer than 120 credit hours) at four-year institutions of higher education in Colorado.

With this context in mind, the Colorado State University (CSU) Faculty Council Executive Committee does not support the use of the ‘bachelor’s’ label for reduced credit-hour degrees, as it would cause confusion for both students and employers, and advocates for a broader conversation around naming of these degrees.

While the CSU Faculty Council Executive Committee supports expanding options for students and broadening access to higher education in general, we believe such an impactful change should be implemented thoughtfully and in collaboration with the institutions that will be asked to deliver these programs.


Faculty Council meets the first Tuesday of every month. Click here for meeting dates, the Teams link, agendas and minutes.

Faculty Council Leadership

Faculty Council is led by an Executive Committee comprised of officers (the Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Assistant and BOG Representative), the Provost & Executive Vice President and immediate past chair (ex officio), and one representative from each of the colleges and the Libraries, as well as by 12 standing committees.

Task forces are convened as needed to examine and provide recommendations on exigent matters of importance to faculty. 

Faculty Council Leadership Organizational Chart (PDF)


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