Standing Committee Chairs & Charges

Standing committees operate on an academic year calendar. The current year term is July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. Committee members serve three-year terms unless otherwise indicated. The standing committees are outlined in Section C.2.1.9 of the Faculty Manual. Procedures for standing committees can be found in the Faculty Council Procedures Handbook.

Melinda Smith

Chair: Melinda Smith, [email protected]

Executive Committee Minutes

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson of Faculty Council as Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson of Faculty Council as Vice Chairperson, the immediate past Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Provost (ex officio), the faculty representative to the Board, and one (1) elected Faculty Council representative from each college and the Libraries. The continuing and newly-elected Faculty Council members from each college shall choose their representative from among themselves in April for a one (1) year term beginning July 1. The immediate past Chairperson of Faculty Council shall be a member of the Executive Committee for one (1) year immediately following the expiration of their term as Chairperson of Faculty Council. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:

1. To receive, review, and evaluate all recommendations from the various standing committees, and to report them to the Faculty Council.

2. To refer matters to standing committees of the Faculty Council.

3. To act for the Faculty Council between meetings of that body.

4. To execute those duties as may from time to time be given it by the Faculty Council or by the Board.

5. To receive petitions for calling additional meetings of the Faculty Council (see Section C.2.1.10, Article I, Section I).

6. To prepare the agenda for Faculty Council meetings.

7. To participate in the evaluation of University officers.

8. To recommend policies pertaining to the University calendar.

9. When appropriate, to establish priorities when assigning issues to Faculty Council standing committees.

10. To meet periodically with the faculty representatives to the Benefits Committee in order to ensure timely Faculty Council input and dialogue concerning University benefits programs.

11.  To meet periodically with the faculty representatives to the University Policy Review Committee in order to ensure timely Faculty Council input and dialogue concerning development of proposed new University policies and review of major revisions of existing University policies.

Steve Reising
Chair: Steve Reising
[email protected]
Brett Brown
Vice Chair: Brett Brown,
[email protected]

CoFG 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Faculty Governance shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio).  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. To recommend to the Faculty Council amendments to the University Code, including revisions to update it.

2. To periodically review practices and procedures of the Faculty Council and its standing committees to assure compliance with the University Code.

3. To apportion annually the elected representatives of the colleges and University Libraries to the Faculty Council.

4. To provide interpretations of the University Code.

5. To establish uniform procedures for electing Faculty Council officers and members of its standing committees and to supervise the election of representatives to the Faculty Council.

a. To make and forward nominations for standing committees of the Faculty Council and faculty members of Benefits Committee (see Section D.2.1), University Policy Review Committee (see Section D.2.2), Grievance Panel (see Section K.15.1), Sexual Harassment Panel (see Appendix 2), and the University Discipline Panel (see Section I.7.3.2), and submit names of nominees for the offices of Faculty Council Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and  Representative to the Board and for other positions as requested by the Faculty Council.

Gregg Griffenhagen

Chair: Gregg Griffenhagen, [email protected]

CoIT 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Information Technology shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each of the colleges and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Vice President for Information Technology (ex officio), the Executive Director of the Institute for Learning and Teaching (ex officio), the Associate Vice President for Research (ex officio), one (1) representative from the College IT Advisory Council (CITAC) (ex officio), one (1) representative from Administrative Professional Council (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student. The duties of the standing committee shall be:

1. To provide consultation and recommendations on campus-wide policies, practices, and standards related to IT to the Faculty Council for maintaining and improving activities that affect the academic and research goals of the University.

2. To review and engage in the campus-wide IT strategic planning process, including developing recommendations for strategic initiatives, outcomes, and accountability mechanisms.

3. To recommend Division of IT priorities for resources allocations to the Vice President for IT to achieve university academic and research goals.

4. To annually review Division of IT services and make recommendations to the Vice President for IT regarding operational improvements, creation of new services, and sunsetting of existing services as they relate to teaching & learning and research.

5. To advise the Vice President for IT on positions to be taken on national and international information technology issues.

6. To have a representative serve as a member of the IT Advisory Council (IAC) to ensure communication and alignment between CoIT and IAC.

Shane Kanatous

Chair: Shane Kanatous, [email protected]

FCCIA 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college, and the Libraries, and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Faculty Athletics Representative(ex officio), the Director of Athletics (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student.

The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall recommend to the Faculty Council policies pertaining to intercollegiate athletics, review compliance with policies adopted, and act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Athletics. Specifically, the standing committee shall have the following responsibilities:

1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies pertaining to the operation of the Department of Athletics, including rules compliance, academic integrity, and the general welfare and equitable treatment of student-athletes and staff.

2. To review annually intercollegiate athletics’ programs and make recommendations to the Director of Athletics regarding the operation of the Department, including selection and retention of sports, academic integrity, compliance, and the general welfare and equitable treatment of student-athletes and staff.

3. To advise the Director of Athletics and the Faculty Athletics Representative on positions to be taken on national and conference issues.

4. To advise the President on the selection of the Director of Athletics and the Faculty Athletics Representative.

5. To perform functions requested or required of a Faculty Intercollegiate Athletic Committee by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and/or any athletic conferences of which the University may be a member.

6. To review summaries of student-athlete exit surveys, academic progress reports, and other appropriate reports, and to include an assessment of this information in the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics annual report to the Faculty Council.


Chair: TBD

CoL 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Libraries shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college, and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Dean of Libraries (ex officio), one (1) representative from the Office of the Vice President for Research (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies affecting or impacting the operation of the Libraries.

2. To advise the Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning of the Library’s budgetary and service requirements.

3. To advise the Dean of Libraries:

a. On strategies and policies for services and collections;

b. On the allocation of funds to support Library services; and

c. On the needs of its patrons (students, faculty, staff, community at large).

Ryan Brooks
Chair: Ryan Brooks,
[email protected]

Vice Chair: Olivia Arnold
[email protected]

CoNTTF 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty shall consist of one (1) contract or continuing faculty member from each college and the Libraries, two (2) tenure or tenure track faculty members elected from the Colleges and the Libraries, the Chair person of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student.

The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

1. Policies defining the general responsibilities of contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty to the University, college, and department.

2. Policies related to the standing of contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty.

Jennifer Martin

Chair: Jennifer Martin, [email protected]

CoRSAF 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio).  The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

1. Policies defining the general responsibilities of faculty to the University, college, and department.

2. Policies related to the standing of the faculty including selection, appointment, evaluation, merit incentives, rank and promotion, tenure, termination of employment, leaves, and academic freedom.

3. Policies and procedures related to faculty grievances.

William (Bill) Sanford

Chair: William Sanford, [email protected]

CoSRGE 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs/Assistant Vice President for Research (ex officio), and one (1) graduate student.  Annually, the standing committee, in consultation with the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Council, shall name ex officio members who are expected to actively participate in standing committee deliberations. The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies concerning research and scholarly activities.

2. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies concerning the Graduate School.

3. To review and forward with recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee proposals for new graduate programs and changes in existing graduate programs.

4. To conduct inquiries/investigations of charges of misconduct in research, artistry, and other scholarly activities, including charges of misconduct in science as federally mandated. The standing committee will coordinate such inquiries/investigations with the VPR and will develop a pool of faculty from which specific panels will be selected. At the discretion of the standing committee, persons who are not members of the faculty may be included on inquiry/investigative panels.

Alan KennanChair: Alan Kennan
[email protected]


Tobin Lopes

Vice Chair: Tobin Lopes
[email protected]


CoSS 2022-23 Report


The Committee on Scholastic Standards will consist of one (1) faculty member from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), and the Director of the Center for Advising and Student Achievement (CASA)(ex officio). The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council policies related to undergraduate academic standards and regulations and procedures for implementing and enforcing these policies.

The standing committee shall also act as a hearing board and render decisions on:

1. Appeals of academic dismissal.

2. Appeals for retroactive withdrawal.


Chair: TBD

CoSFP 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) dean (ex officio), the Provost (ex officio)the Vice President for Finance (ex officio), the chair of the Administrative Professional Council (ex officio voting), the chair of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty or designated member of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (ex officio voting), and the Chair of the Classified Personnel Council (ex officio, voting)., one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to planning and budgeting activities that affect the academic function of the University.

2. To review the procedures, outcomes, and accountability of the University’s strategic planning processes and plans.

3. To present the standing committee’s evaluations and recommendations on such planning processes and plans to the Faculty Council for approval or disapproval on a semiannual basis.

4. To review University proposals, policies and procedures as they affect the academic programs and structure of the institution.

5. To review new academic program proposals from a strategic and financial planning perspective and report recommendations to Faculty Council.

6. To recommend priorities for resource allocations to achieve University academic planning goals.

7. To recommend policies for the distribution of faculty compensation increases.

8. To monitor the on-going financial status of the University and inform Faculty Council of any conditions likely to result in financial exigency.  The Committee should collect information about procedures used in other universities faced with financial exigency and any other information that would aid in developing reasonable plans to deal with current conditions of financial exigency.

9. To consult with the President of the University regarding the declaration of the condition of financial exigency; should a recommendation of financial exigency be made by the President to the Board, the CoSFP chair shall present the views of the committee to the Board.

Lumina Albert

Chair: Lumina Albert, [email protected]

CoTL 2022-23 Report

The Committee on Teaching and Learning shall consist of one (1) faculty member from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the chair of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty or designated member of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (ex officio voting), the Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio), the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Vice President for Student Affairs’ designee (ex officio), and the Director of The Institute for Learning and Teaching (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student. The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

1. Policies, practices, and standards for maintaining and improving the quality of teaching and learning.

2. Policies related to undergraduate advising.

3. Policies related to academic records and registration and undergraduate admissions.

4. Policies related to the activities of:

a. The Institute for Learning and Teaching

b. Academic Computing and Networking Services

c. Student Outcomes Assessment

d. Other offices and programs that directly support instruction and student development.

5. Policies related to standards of student behavior, academic honesty, co-curricular activities and other aspects of campus life.

6. In addition to the foregoing, the Committee on Teaching and Learning will oversee the selection of the University Distinguished Teaching Scholars. The criterion for selection is outstanding teaching.  The Committee on Teaching and Learning will develop and publicize the selection process and the specific criteria for making the selection.

Brad Goetz

Chair: Brad Goetz, [email protected]

UCC 2022-23 Report

UCC Minutes

The University Curriculum Committee shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. To receive or initiate recommendations pertaining to each and every course and program offered for academic credit by any unit of the University.

2. To evaluate all proposals for new undergraduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments before consideration and approval by the Faculty Council.

3. To evaluate all proposals for new graduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments. Review of graduate programs is conducted after the Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education has recommended approval prior to their submission to the Faculty Council for approval.

4. To develop necessary administrative procedures for informing interested colleges concerning courses under consideration.

5. To evaluate proposals for the establishment of new departments, and the change of academic name, change in college affiliation, dissolution, division, or merger of existing departments.

6. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to the operations of the Division of Continuing Education which impact curricula.

Chair: TBD

CUP 2022-23 Report

The Committee on University Programs shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries,the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) graduate student and one (1) undergraduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. Concerning Centers, Institutes, and Other Special Units:

a. To develop and recommend to Faculty Council criteria for identifying university units subject to Section C.2.3.6 University Centers, Institutes, and Other Special Units.

b. To develop and recommend to Faculty Council policies and procedures for the establishment, continuance, and termination of centers, institutes, and other units meeting the established criteria.

c. In consultation with other standing committees as appropriate, to evaluate proposals for centers, institutes, and other units meeting the established criteria on the basis of (1) appropriateness and acceptability of the name of the unit and (2) consistency of the mission of the unit with the mission and strategic plan of the University, and to make recommendations based on these evaluations for action by Faculty Council.

2. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to University Advancement, Conference Services, and University facilities that affect the academic function of the University.

3. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to international activities, including international education, research and development, training, student services, and Intensive English.

Standing Committee Members

Committee Representing Elected Members Term Expires
Executive Committee Agricultural Sciences Catie Cramer 2025
Executive Committee Business Rob Mitchell 2025
Executive Committee Chair
(Can serve up to 3 one-year elected terms)
Melinda Smith 2025
Executive Committee Immediate Past Chair Sue Doe Ex officio
Executive Committee Engineering Peter Jan van Leeuwen 2025
Executive Committee Faculty Representative to Board of Governors
(2 – one-year elected terms)
Jennifer Martin 2025
Executive Committee Health and Human Sciences Svetlana Olbina 2025
Executive Committee Liberal Arts Antonio Pedros-Gascon 2025
Executive Committee Natural Resources Randall Boone (Fall 2024) 2025
Executive Committee Natural Sciences Steve Benoit 2025
Executive Committee Provost/Executive Vice President Marion Underwood Ex officio
Executive Committee Staff Support – Executive Assistant to Faculty Council Amy Barkley Staff Support
Executive Committee University Libraries Christine Pawliuk 2024
Executive Committee Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences TBD 2025
Executive Committee Vice-Chair
(unlimited one-year elected terms)
Joseph DiVerdi 2025
Faculty Governance Agricultural Sciences Sastry Jayanty 2026
Faculty Governance Business Gina Slejko 2025
Faculty Governance Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Faculty Governance Engineering Steve Reising, Chair 2025
Faculty Governance Health and Human Sciences Brett Brown, Vice Chair 2026
Faculty Governance Liberal Arts Marcela Velasco 2027
Faculty Governance Natural Resources Sarah Hart 2027
Faculty Governance Natural Sciences Anne Cleary 2026
Faculty Governance University Libraries Michelle Wilde 2027
Faculty Governance Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Claudia Gentry-Weeks 2027
Information Technology Administrative Professional Council Ross Madden Ex officio
Information Technology Agricultural Sciences Ryan Brooks 2025
Information Technology Associate Vice President for Research Christa Johnson Ex officio
Information Technology Business TBD 2025
Information Technology Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Information Technology College IT Advisory Council (CITAC) Richard Nelsen Ex officio
Information Technology Engineering Sudeep Pasricha 2025
Information Technology Health and Human Sciences Tobin Lopes 2025
Information Technology Liberal Arts Leisl Carr Childers 2025
Information Technology Natural Resources Jerry Magloughlin 2026
Information Technology Natural Sciences Robert Paton 2025
Information Technology Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Information Technology Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Information Technology The Institute for Learning and Teaching Sue Doe Ex officio
Information Technology University Libraries Lori Oling 2025
Information Technology Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Gregg Griffenhagen, Chair 2025
Information Technology Vice President for Information Technology Brandon Bernier Ex officio
Intercollegiate Athletics Agricultural Sciences Michael Wilkins 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics Business Hilla Skiba 2026
Intercollegiate Athletics Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Intercollegiate Athletics Director, Intercollegiate Athletics John Weber Ex officio
Intercollegiate Athletics Engineering Azer Yalin 2026
Intercollegiate Athletics Faculty Representative to Athletics Kyle Saunders Ex officio
Intercollegiate Athletics Health and Human Sciences Raoul Reiser 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics Liberal Arts John Slater 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics Natural Resources Kevin Crooks 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics Natural Sciences Shane Kanatous, Chair 2026
Intercollegiate Athletics Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Intercollegiate Athletics University Libraries Richard Todd 2026
Intercollegiate Athletics Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Quint Winger 2027
Libraries Agricultural Sciences Franck Dayan 2027
Libraries Assistant to the Dean of Libraries Lani Williams Staff Support
Libraries Business Jon Clark 2026
Libraries Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Libraries Dean of Libraries Karen Estlund Ex officio
Libraries Engineering Marie Vans 2025
Libraries Health and Human Sciences Mohammed Mehany 2026
Libraries Liberal Arts Sasha Steensen 2026
Libraries Natural Resources Jerry Magloughlin 2025
Libraries Natural Sciences Michael Thomas 2025
Libraries Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Libraries Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Libraries University Libraries Randyn Heisserer-Miller 2025
Libraries Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Noreen Reist 2027
Libraries Vice President for Research David Paterson Ex officio
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Agricultural Sciences Ryan Brooks, Chair 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Business Chris Becker 2026
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Engineering TBD 2026
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Health and Human Sciences Jennifer Reinke 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Liberal Arts Karen Montgomery Moore 2027
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Libraries Scott Wiebensohn 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Natural Resources Sean Bryan 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Natural Sciences Ann Hess 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Olivia Arnold, Vice Chair 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Tenure Stream Faculty on CoNTTF Liberal Arts Mary Van Buren 2026
Tenure Stream Faculty on CoNTTF Liberal Arts Thomas Dunn 2027
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Agricultural Sciences Jennifer Martin, Chair 2027
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Business Bharadwaj Kannan 2026
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Engineering Chris Weinberger 2025
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Health and Human Sciences Gloria Luong 2026
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Liberal Arts Blythe LaGasse 2025
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Natural Resources Tony Cheng 2026
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Natural Sciences Richard Eykholt 2026
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty University Libraries Mark Shelstad 2027
Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Carolina Mehaffy 2025
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Agricultural Sciences Pablo Pinedo 2025
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Assistant to Dean of Graduate School Ludy Avalos Staff Support
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Business Rob Schonlau 2026
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Dean, Graduate School Colleen Webb Ex officio
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Engineering Ryan Morrison 2026
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Health and Human Sciences TBD 2025
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Liberal Arts Tatiana Nekrasova-Beker 2027
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Natural Resources William Sanford, Chair 2026
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Natural Sciences Sanjay Raiopadhye 2027
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education University Libraries Rachelle Ramer 2025
Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Seonil Kim 2027
Scholastic Standards Agricultural Sciences Jason Ahola 2025
Scholastic Standards Business Paulo de Brito 2026
Scholastic Standards Engineering Steve Simske 2027
Scholastic Standards Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Scholastic Standards Health and Human Sciences Tobin Lopes, Vice Chair 2025
Scholastic Standards Liberal Arts Eirik Lang Harris 2026
Scholastic Standards Natural Resources Sean Gallen 2025
Scholastic Standards Natural Sciences Alan Kennan, Chair 2027
Scholastic Standards Office of the Provost Sean Wernert-Eighmy Ex officio
Scholastic Standards University Libraries Scott Wiebensohn 2025
Scholastic Standards Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Kristy Dowers 2025
Strategic and Financial Planning Administrative Professional Council Chair Matt Klein Ex officio Voting
Strategic and Financial Planning Agricultural Sciences Steph Lebsock 2027
Strategic and Financial Planning Associate Vice President for Finance Angela Nielsen (representing Brendan Hanlon) Ex officio
Strategic and Financial Planning Business Lisa Kutcher 2027
Strategic and Financial Planning Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Strategic and Financial Planning Classified Personnel Council Chair Jim Abraham Ex officio Voting
Strategic and Financial Planning College Dean Representative Lise Youngblade, Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences Ex officio
Strategic and Financial Planning Engineering Edwin Chong 2026
Strategic and Financial Planning Health and Human Sciences James E. Graham 2025
Strategic and Financial Planning Liberal Arts Gamze Cavdar 2027
Strategic and Financial Planning Libraries Jocelyn Boice 2026
Strategic and Financial Planning Natural Resources Lina Xiong 2026
Strategic and Financial Planning Natural Sciences TBD 2025
Strategic and Financial Planning Non-Tenure Track Faculty Representative Ryan Brooks Ex officio Voting
Strategic and Financial Planning Office of the Provost Laura Jensen, Associate Provost Ex officio
Strategic and Financial Planning Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Strategic and Financial Planning Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Strategic and Financial Planning Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Felix Duerr 2025
Teaching and Learning Agricultural Sciences Shawn Archibeque 2025
Teaching and Learning Business Lumina S. Albert, Chair 2027
Teaching and Learning Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
Teaching and Learning Engineering Dan Baker 2025
Teaching and Learning Health and Human Sciences Matthew Moulton 2026
Teaching and Learning Liberal Arts Maite Correa 2027
Teaching and Learning Natural Resources Robin Rothfeder 2025
Teaching and Learning Natural Sciences Jess Ellis Hagman 2025
Teaching and Learning Office of the Provost Susan James, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Ex officio
Teaching and Learning Office of the Registrar Katie Risheill (representing D. Tobiassen Baitinger), Associate Registrar Ex officio
Teaching and Learning Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
Teaching and Learning Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
Teaching and Learning The Institute for Learning and Teaching Sue Doe, Director, TILT Ex officio
Teaching and Learning University Libraries Rob Sica 2027
Teaching and Learning Vice President for Student Affairs Office Jody Donovan, Associate Dean for Students Ex officio
Teaching and Learning Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences John Michael 2026
University Curriculum Agricultural Sciences Bradley Goetz, Chair 2026
University Curriculum Business Paulo de Brito 2026
University Curriculum Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
University Curriculum Engineering Karen Thorsett-Hill 2027
University Curriculum Health and Human Sciences Ruoh-Nan (Terry) Yan 2027
University Curriculum Liberal Arts Diane Margolf 2026
University Curriculum Natural Resources Seth Davis 2025
University Curriculum Natural Sciences Martin Gelfand 2025
University Curriculum Office of the Provost Andrea Duffy Ex officio
University Curriculum Office of the Registrar Susan Horan (representing D. Tobiassen Baitinger) Ex officio
University Curriculum Staff Support – Curriculum Liaison Specialist Shelly Ellerby & Erin Niswender Staff Support
University Curriculum Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
University Curriculum Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
University Curriculum University Libraries Heidi Splittgerber 2027
University Curriculum Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Doreene Hyatt 2026
University Programs Agricultural Sciences Lindsay Burnette 2027
University Programs Business Tian Wang 2027
University Programs Chair, Faculty Council Melinda Smith Ex officio
University Programs Engineering Peter Jan van Leeuwen 2027
University Programs Health and Human Sciences Day Halsey 2027
University Programs Liberal Arts Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala 2026
University Programs Natural Resources David Koons 2027
University Programs Natural Sciences TBD 2023
University Programs Office of the Vice President for Research Dinaida Egan Ex officio
University Programs Staff Support Emily Hollywood Staff Support
University Programs Student Representative (Graduate) TBD 2025
University Programs Student Representative (Undergraduate) TBD 2025
University Programs University Libraries Khaleedah Thomas 2025
University Programs Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Sarah Raabis 2025