← Section B               Section D →

SECTION C. Faculty Government and the Code of Colorado State University

Table of Contents

C.1 Faculty Responsibility for Academic Policy

C.2 The Code of Colorado State University

C.2.1 Faculty Council

C.2.1.1 Purpose
C.2.1.2 Powers and Responsibilities
C.2.1.3 Membership on the Faculty Council

C. Elected Members
C. Ex Officio Members
C. Officers
C. Appointed Positions

C.2.1.4 Electorate for Faculty Council and Election Procedures
C.2.1.5 Authority to Delegate Duties
C.2.1.6 Duties of the Faculty Council
C.2.1.7 Recall of Faculty Council Officers
C.2.1.8 Faculty Athletics Representative
C.2.1.9 The Standing Committees of Faculty Council

C. Charge to the Standing Committees
C. The Standing Committees Named
C. Membership and Organization
C. Election to Membership and Term of Service
C. Standing Committees: Membership and Function

a. Executive Committee
b. Committee on Faculty Governance
c. Committee on Information Technology
d. Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics
e. Committee on Libraries
f. Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty
g. Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty
h. Committee on Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education
i. Committee on Scholastic Standards
j. Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning
k. Committee on Teaching and Learning
l. Committee on University Programs
m. University Curriculum Committee

C.2.1.10 By-Laws of the Faculty Council

C.2.2 Procedures for Programmatic and Organizational Change

C.2.3 Academic Organizations of the University

C.2.3.1 Colleges and Academic Departments
C.2.3.2 Graduate School
C.2.3.3 Special Academic Units
C.2.3.4 Division of Armed Forces Services
C.2.3.5 Division of Continuing Education
C.2.3.6 University Centers, Institutes and Other Special Units
C.2.3.7 Libraries
C.2.3.8 University Honors Program
C.2.3.9 Courses and Programs of Study

C.2.4 Collegiate and Departmental Organization

C.2.4.1 Collegiate Organization

C. College Code
C. College Deans

C.2.4.2 Departmental Organization

C. Departmental Codes
C. Operational Policies of Departments

C.2.4.3 University Review of Departmental and College Codes

C.2.5 Evaluation of Performance of Faculty

C.2.6 Duties of Officers

C.2.6.1 Deans of the Colleges
C.2.6.2 Department Heads

C.2.7 Evaluation of Performance of Officers

C.2.8 Creation and Organization of Special Academic Units

C.2.8.1 Creation of a Special Academic Unit
C.2.8.2 Housing of Courses and Programs of Study
C.2.8.3 Code of a Special Academic Unit

C.2.9 Amendment Procedure

Section C. Faculty Government and the Code of Colorado State University

C.1 Faculty Responsibility for Academic Policy

Within the University the major policy making body on academic affairs is the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council is a representative body of elected and ex officio members having jurisdiction over educational policy, rules, and regulations. The details of its purpose, structure, and function are elaborated fully in Section C.2.1.

C.2 The Code of Colorado State University

The Code of Colorado State University (University Code) is organized under the following headings:

C.2.1 Faculty Council

C.2.1.1 Purpose

The Faculty Council was established by the faculty members in 1915. The Faculty Council acts as a representative body for the faculty members and performs those duties delegated to the faculty members by acts of the legislature. Faculty government is an instrument by which the collective intelligence of the institution through direct and representative participation can do effective work in establishing policies which result in:

a. Curricula suited to the needs of the state as well as to regional, national, and international concerns.

b. The best possible teaching, research, and extension activities.

c. Conditions in which both faculty members and students can learn and develop according to their individual interests and aptitudes.

C.2.1.2 Powers and Responsibilities (last revised June 9, 2023)

Subject to the statutes of the State and regulations and policies of the Board, and consistent with the principles of shared governance, the Faculty Council shall have jurisdiction over the general educational policy of the University, shall pass all rules and regulations necessary to University government and discipline, and shall have statutory charge of the laboratories and libraries.

Consistent with powers delegated to it by the faculty and the Board, the Faculty Council shall make recommendations to promote the educational interests of the University as a whole with respect to:

a. Minimum standards for admission to the undergraduate colleges and the Graduate School. (Standards for admission and graduation for a particular college, school or division may not be lower or less specific than those adopted by the Faculty Council.)

b. General policies concerning academic curricula, college and departmental organization, extension, and research activities, including long-range planning and resource allocation.

c. The academic calendar, the Colorado State University General Catalog, and the Graduate and Professional Bulletin.

d. Student attendance, counseling, scholastic standards, honors, requirements for degrees and other academic programs, student activities, and general student conduct.

e. The libraries, museums, assemblies and convocations, and other matters that will increase the professional and cultural standing of the University.

f. The granting of degrees.

g. Other matters referred to it by the Board, the President, the faculty of a college, the several committees of the Faculty Council, and the faculty or a member thereof.

C.2.1.3 Membership on the Faculty Council

The Faculty Council shall consist of members elected from academic departments, the Libraries, and the colleges, the Chairperson of the Faculty Council, the Vice Chairperson of Faculty Council, the Faculty Council representative to the Board, and ex officio members.

C. Elected Members (last revised May 5, 2023)

Each academic department and the Libraries shall elect one (1) representative. An additional number of representatives, equal approximately to 45% of the  number of academic departments and the Libraries, shall be elected at large by and from the colleges and the Libraries as required to achieve, as nearly as practical, membership proportional to the number of full-time, part-time, and transitional tenure track, tenured, contract, and continuing faculty members in the colleges and Libraries. In addition, contract and continuing faculty members who do not belong to an academic department or to the Libraries shall elect non-academic unit representative(s) as required to achieve, as nearly as practical, the same proportional representation as that in the academic departments and the Libraries.

All faculty representatives to the Faculty Council shall hold full-time, part-time, or transitional tenure track, tenured, contract or continuing appointments and shall not hold an administrative appointment of more than half-time (0.5) at the level of assistant/associate dean or above. A faculty representative to the Faculty Council who becomes ineligible shall cease to hold this position.

C. Ex Officio Members (last revised December 3, 2021)

Chairpersons of Faculty Council regular standing committees, serving as the official representatives of the standing committees to the Faculty Council, shall be ex officio voting members of Faculty Council.  Faculty representatives of Faculty Council  Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty, serving as the official representatives of their respective colleges and the Libraries on the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty and before Faculty Council, shall be ex officio voting members of Faculty Council.

The immediate past Chairperson of Faculty Council shall be an ex officio non-voting member of the Faculty Council for one (1) year immediately following the expiration of that person’s term as Chairperson of the Faculty Council.

The President of the University, the Provost, the Vice Presidents, the Vice Provosts, the Deans of the Colleges and the Libraries, and the Chair of the Administrative Professional Council shall be seated on the Faculty Council as ex officio non-voting members.

C. Officers (last revised June 21, 2011)

a. Chairperson.

The Chairperson of the Faculty Council shall be elected at the regularly scheduled March meeting. Each candidate for election to Chairperson shall be a current or former elected member of the Faculty Council and shall meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council. A Chairperson who ceases to meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council shall cease to be Chairperson. The Chairperson shall serve a one (1) year term beginning in July and shall relinquish representation of a department or college (if serving in that capacity) to become a representative and member of the Council. The Chairperson shall be eligible to serve three (3) consecutive years, and then would be ineligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of Faculty Council for three (3) subsequent years. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Council, serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and as Faculty Council representative to the Colorado Faculty Advisory Committee, and discharge the usual duties of the office. In the event that the elected Chairperson is unable to complete the Chair’s term of office, new elections will commence at the next Faculty Council meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, to fill the unexpired term according to the procedures outlined in Section C.

b. Vice Chairperson.

The Vice Chairperson of the Faculty Council shall be elected at the regularly scheduled March meeting. Each candidate for election to Vice Chairperson shall be a current or former elected member of the Faculty Council and shall meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council. A Vice Chairperson who ceases to meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council shall cease to be Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall serve a one (1) year term beginning in July and shall relinquish representation of a department or college (if serving in that capacity) to become a representative and member of the Faculty Council. The Vice Chairperson shall be eligible to serve additional terms. In the absence of or at the request of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson. In the event that the elected Vice Chairperson is unable to complete the Vice Chair’s term of office, new elections will commence at the next Faculty Council meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, to fill the unexpired term according to the procedures outlined in Section C.

c. Faculty Council Representative to the Board.

The Faculty Council shall elect a faculty member to serve as a non-voting member of the Board and as an officer of the Faculty Council. The election for this Faculty Council Representative to the Board shall occur at the regularly scheduled March meeting. Each candidate for election to this Faculty Representative position shall be a current or former elected member of the Faculty Council, shall be an associate professor or professor, and shall meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council. A Faculty Representative who ceases to meet the eligibility requirements for elected membership on Faculty Council or who ceases to be an associate professor or professor shall cease to be the Faculty Representative. The Faculty Representative shall serve a one (1) year term beginning in July and shall relinquish representation of a department or college to become a representative and member of the Faculty Council. No person shall serve more than two (2) terms as Faculty Representative during the Faculty Representative’s lifetime. In the event the elected Faculty Representative is unable to complete the term of office, new elections will commence at the next Faculty Council meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, to fill the unexpired term according to the procedures outlined in Section C.

d. Voting Procedures

The Committee on Faculty Governance shall present one (1) or more nominees, and additional nominations may be made from the floor. Voting will be by written ballot unless otherwise specified. If only one (1) candidate is nominated, voting can be by voice vote. The candidate receiving a majority of votes cast shall be elected. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, a second (2nd) ballot will consist of the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes. On the second ballot, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.

C. Appointed Positions (last revised June 21, 2011)

These positions shall be non-voting, and the persons serving in them shall not be elected members of the Faculty Council.

a. Secretary

The secretary of the Faculty Council shall be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the Faculty Council at the first meeting each Fall semester. The secretary shall perform the usual duties of the office.

b. Parliamentarian

The parliamentarian of the Faculty Council shall be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the Faculty Council at the first meeting each Fall semester. The parliamentarian shall perform the usual duties of the office.

C.2.1.4 Electorate for Faculty Council and Election Procedures (last revised February 5, 2016)

The electorate eligible to vote for Faculty Council representatives from departments, colleges, and the Libraries shall consist of all tenured, tenure-track, contract, continuing,  and transitional members of the faculty. The Committee on Faculty Governance shall be responsible for annually apportioning the college representatives. The Committee on Faculty Governance shall establish uniform election and replacement practices throughout the University and shall supervise elections in departments, colleges, and the Libraries to ensure a secret ballot and impartial electoral procedures. Departmental and the Libraries representatives normally shall be elected in the first (1st) week of April. However, when departments are merged or when a new department comes into operation, it shall on or after the effective date of its establishment elect its departmental representative to serve immediately on the Faculty Council. Also, as soon as a department is abolished, its departmental representative shall no longer serve on the Faculty Council. The college representatives shall be elected in the third (3rd) week of April. The terms of office for elected representatives to the Faculty Council shall be three (3) years beginning July 1, with the terms of approximately one-third (1/3) of the entire body of elected representatives expiring each year. The Committee on Faculty Governance shall determine the length of terms of departmental and college representatives to ensure equity among colleges.

C.2.1.5 Authority to Delegate Duties

The Faculty Council shall have the authority to delegate to standing and other committees specific duties such as the manner of grading students and other means of designating scholarship, rules governing student conduct and discipline, and other particulars relating to the government of the University given to the faculty members by law. Recommendations for changes in Faculty Council policies ordinarily originate in or channel through one (1) of the standing committees of the Faculty Council.

C.2.1.6 Duties of the Faculty Council

The duties of the Faculty Council shall be those delegated to the faculty members by the acts of the Colorado General Assembly establishing the Board, except such provisions as obviously have become obsolete through changed conditions which make them no longer applicable.

C.2.1.7 Recall of Faculty Council Officers

Faculty Council officers, members, standing committee chairpersons or members may be recalled as is provided in Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.

C.2.1.8 Faculty Athletics Representative

The President of the University shall appoint a member of the faculty who is not a member of the Department of Athletics and who does not hold the position of dean, vice president, or President to a one (1) year term as Faculty Athletics Representative.

C.2.1.9 The Standing Committees of Faculty Council

C. Charge to the Standing Committees (last revised December 3, 2021)

There shall be standing committees of the Faculty Council, designated by name in the University Code. The purposes of these standing committees shall be to develop and recommend to the Faculty Council policies and positions on academic matters and to serve as sources of expert information for the main body. The main relation of each standing committee is with the Faculty Council itself, and the standing committees are formed to represent the interests of the Faculty Council. All policy recommendations of standing committees shall be transmitted through the Executive Committee to the Faculty Council for its action.

All standing committees of the Faculty Council shall receive appropriate items for consideration from any member of the University community. The receipt of each item shall be acknowledged and its disposition shall be reported to the initiator.

Each standing committee shall develop a set of operating procedures, which shall be made available to all members of the faculty through the Office of the Faculty Council. Further, all standing committees shall submit copies of their minutes to the Executive Committee and shall, at specified times, furnish annual reports to the Faculty Council.

C. The Standing Committees and Advisory Committees Named (last revised February 3, 2022)

The following shall be the standing committees of the Faculty Council: Executive Committee; Committee on Faculty Governance; Committee on Information Technology; Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics; Committee on Libraries; Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty; Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of the Academic Faculty; Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education; Committee on Scholastic Standards and Awards; Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning; Committee on Teaching and Learning; Committee on University Programs; and University Curriculum Committee.

C. Membership and Organization (last revised December 3, 2021)

The membership of each standing committee is specified to fit the functions of that committee.  Faculty membership on  standing committees shall be limited to full-time, part-time, and transitional tenure track, tenured, contract and continuing faculty members who do not hold an administrative appointment of more than half-time (0.5) at the level of assistant/associate dean or above.  The Chair of the Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (or designee on the CoNTTF), administrators, administrative professionals, classified staff, undergraduate student members representing the Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU), and graduate student members representing the University Graduate Student Council shall be authorized for membership on specified standing committees.  A member of a standing committee who becomes ineligible shall cease to hold this position.

Each standing committee shall have a chairperson whose term of office is twelve (12) months beginning July 1.  Each standing committee chairperson shall be elected by and from the membership of that committee.  After members of standing committees are elected, as specified in Section C., the continuing and newly elected members of each standing committee, other than the Executive Committee, shall meet and elect a committee chairperson for the coming term before May 15. The committee members who are being replaced may attend this meeting, and they may speak, but they shall not cast votes for the new chairperson.  However, if a newly elected committee member is unable to attend the meeting, then this committee member may allow the committee member that they are replacing to cast a vote for the chairperson in the new committee member’s place.

Standing committees are expected to consult regularly with those administrators, members of the faculty, or others who can provide information necessary for effective deliberation. Each standing committee may name ex officio or associate members  in addition to the ex officio and associate members specified in C.  The appointments shall be reviewed by the standing committee annually.  Each standing committee shall identify in its annual report to the Faculty Council its ex officio and associate members and others with whom it has regularly conferred.  Ex officio members are expected to attend committee meetings regularly.  All ex officio and associate members shall be non-voting, unless specified otherwise.

Standing committees shall convene subcommittees as needed to consider specific issues or perform specific tasks.  These subcommittees shall exist to serve the standing committees. A subcommittee of a standing committee or advisory committee shall be chaired by a member of that committee, but may draw other members from throughout the University as appropriate.

Unless otherwise specified in the committee’s operating procedures, for transacting business at standing committee meetings, a quorum is defined as a simple majority of the voting members.

The elected chairperson of the standing committee shall serve as an ex officio voting member of the Faculty Council for the duration of the elected chairperson’s term as chairperson. The chairperson may designate a committee member to substitute as ex officio voting member provided prior notice is given to the Chairperson of Faculty Council.

C. Election to Membership and Term of Service (last revised December 6, 2018)

Unless otherwise specified by the University Code, the terms of service for all elected faculty members of standing committees of the Faculty Council shall be three (3) years as defined below with the intent of approximately one-third (1/3) expiring each year.  An exception is the Executive Committee, where faculty members serve one (1) year terms.  The terms of service for all elected student members of standing committees of the Faculty Council shall be one (1) year.  Terms of office for newly elected members of all standing committees are to begin July 1 for faculty members and October 25 for student members.  Student members may serve on at most two (2) standing committees at any given time.

Nominations for the elected faculty membership on all standing committees other than Executive Committee (see Section C. shall be made by the Committee on Faculty Governance, with the slate of nominees to be placed on the agenda of the April meeting of Faculty Council.  Nominations may be made from the floor.  Voting shall be by written ballot unless otherwise specified. If only one (1) candidate is nominated, voting can be by voice vote.  Election shall be by plurality.  In the event of a tie for any position, the Faculty Council shall ballot again at the next regular meeting.

Nominations of undergraduate students to standing committees of the Faculty Council shall be made by the ASCSU Director of Academics with the advice and consultation of the President and the Vice President of ASCSU.  All such nominees shall be recommended to the ASCSU Senate and shall have majority approval of the ASCSU Senate before the nominations are forwarded to the Faculty Council Committee on Faculty Governance for inclusion on the ballot.

Nominations of graduate student members to Faculty Council standing committees shall be made by the University Graduate Student Council.  Graduate student nominations shall be forwarded to the Faculty Council Committee on Faculty Governance for inclusion on the ballot.

Student nominations shall be submitted to the Faculty Council at its October meeting.  After nominations have been closed, a vote shall be taken on the floor of the Faculty Council.  In the event of a tie, the Faculty Council shall vote again.  Election shall be by plurality.

The Committee on Faculty Governance may fill vacancies on standing committees of the Faculty Council occurring between normal elections either by making a temporary appointment to serve a period of time not more than the length of the vacancy being filled or by nominating a replacement to serve for a three year term ending on June 30 three years hence.  A three year term beginning between the end of spring semester of the previous academic year and December 31 of the current academic year includes the current academic year and two more years.  A three year term beginning between January 1 and end of the spring semester of the current academic year will include the rest of the current spring semester and then three more academic years.

A temporary appointment shall be approved by majority vote of the Committee on Faculty Governance.  A replacement serving for a three year term shall be elected using the regular election procedure as described in C. (this section).   The Committee on Faculty Governance will communicate with chairs of affected standing committees when replacing a vacancy that occurs between normal elections.

C. Standing Committees: Membership and Function (last revised February 3, 2022)

a. Executive Committee (last revised August 9, 2019)

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson of Faculty Council as Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson of Faculty Council as Vice Chairperson, the immediate past Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Provost (ex officio), the faculty representative to the Board, and one (1) elected Faculty Council representative from each college and the Libraries. The continuing and newly-elected Faculty Council members from each college shall choose their representative from among themselves in April for a one (1) year term beginning July 1. The immediate past Chairperson of Faculty Council shall be a member of the Executive Committee for one (1) year immediately following the expiration of their term as Chairperson of Faculty Council. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:

              1. To receive, review, and evaluate all recommendations from the various standing committees, and to report them to the Faculty Council.
              2. To refer matters to standing committees of the Faculty Council.
              3. To act for the Faculty Council between meetings of that body.
              4. To execute those duties as may from time to time be given it by the Faculty Council or by the Board.
              5. To receive petitions for calling additional meetings of the Faculty Council (see Section C.2.1.10, Article I, Section I).
              6. To prepare the agenda for Faculty Council meetings.
              7. To participate in the evaluation of University officers.
              8. To recommend policies pertaining to the University calendar.
              9. When appropriate, to establish priorities when assigning issues to Faculty Council standing committees.
              10. To meet periodically with the faculty representatives to the Benefits Committee in order to ensure timely Faculty Council input and dialogue concerning University benefits programs.
              11. To meet periodically with the faculty representatives to the University Policy Review Committee in order to ensure timely Faculty Council input and dialogue concerning development of proposed new University policies and review of major revisions of existing University policies.

b. Committee on Faculty Governance (last revised August 9, 2019)

The Committee on Faculty Governance shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio). The duties of this standing committee shall be:

            1. To recommend to the Faculty Council amendments to the University Code, including revisions to update it.
            2. To periodically review practices and procedures of the Faculty Council and its standing committees to assure compliance with the University Code.
            3. To apportion annually the elected representatives of the colleges and University Libraries to the Faculty Council.
            4. To provide interpretations of the University Code.
            5. To establish uniform procedures for electing Faculty Council officers and members of its standing committees and to supervise the election of representatives to the Faculty Council.

a. To make and forward nominations for standing committees of the Faculty Council and faculty members of Benefits Committee (see Section D.2.1), University Policy Review Committee (see Section D.2.2), Grievance Panel (see Section K.15.1), Sexual Harassment Panel (see Appendix 2), and the University Discipline Panel (see Section I.7.3.2), and submit names of nominees for the offices of Faculty Council Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and  Representative to the Board and for other positions as requested by the Faculty Council.

c. Committee on Information Technology (new section added February 3, 2022)

The Committee on Information Technology shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each of the colleges and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Vice President for Information Technology (ex officio), the Executive Director of the Institute for Learning and Teaching (ex officio), the Associate Vice President for Research (ex officio), one (1) representative from the College IT Advisory Council (CITAC) (ex officio), one (1) representative from Administrative Professional Council (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student. The duties of the standing committee shall be:

            1. To provide consultation and recommendations on campus-wide policies, practices, and standards related to IT to the Faculty Council for maintaining and improving activities that affect the academic and research goals of the University.
            2. To review and engage in the campus-wide IT strategic planning process, including developing recommendations for strategic initiatives, outcomes, and accountability mechanisms.
            3. To recommend Division of IT priorities for resources allocations to the Vice President for IT to achieve university academic and research goals.
            4. To annually review Division of IT services and make recommendations to the Vice President for IT regarding operational improvements, creation of new services, and sunsetting of existing services as they relate to teaching & learning and research.
            5. To advise the Vice President for IT on positions to be taken on national and international information technology issues.
            6. To have a representative serve as a member of the IT Advisory Council (IAC) to ensure communication and alignment between CoIT and IAC.

d. Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college, and the Libraries, and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Faculty Athletics Representative(ex officio), the Director of Athletics (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student.

The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall recommend to the Faculty Council policies pertaining to intercollegiate athletics, review compliance with policies adopted, and act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Athletics. Specifically, the standing committee shall have the following responsibilities:

            1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies pertaining to the operation of the Department of Athletics, including rules compliance, academic integrity, and the general welfare and equitable treatment of student-athletes and staff.
            2. To review annually intercollegiate athletics’ programs and make recommendations to the Director of Athletics regarding the operation of the Department, including selection and retention of sports, academic integrity, compliance, and the general welfare and equitable treatment of student-athletes and staff.
            3. To advise the Director of Athletics and the Faculty Athletics Representative on positions to be taken on national and conference issues.
            4. To advise the President on the selection of the Director of Athletics and the Faculty Athletics Representative.
            5. To perform functions requested or required of a Faculty Intercollegiate Athletic Committee by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and/or any athletic conferences of which the University may be a member.
            6. To review summaries of student-athlete exit surveys, academic progress reports, and other appropriate reports, and to include an assessment of this information in the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics annual report to the Faculty Council.

e. Committee on Libraries (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Libraries shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college, and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Dean of Libraries (ex officio), one (1) representative from the Office of the Vice President for Research (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

            1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies affecting or impacting the operation of the Libraries.
            2. To advise the Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning of the Library’s budgetary and service requirements.
            3. To advise the Dean of Libraries:

a. On strategies and policies for services and collections;

b. On the allocation of funds to support Library services; and

c. On the needs of its patrons (students, faculty, staff, community at large).

f. Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (last revised December 3, 2021)

The Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty shall consist of one (1) contract or continuing faculty member from each college and the Libraries, two (2) tenure or tenure track faculty members elected from the Colleges and the Libraries, the Chair person of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student.

The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

            1. Policies defining the general responsibilities of contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty to the University, college, and department.
            2. Policies related to the standing of contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty.

g. Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries and the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio).  The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

            1. Policies defining the general responsibilities of faculty to the University, college, and department.
            2. Policies related to the standing of the faculty including selection, appointment, evaluation, merit incentives, rank and promotion, tenure, termination of employment, leaves, and academic freedom.
            3. Policies and procedures related to faculty grievances.

h. Committee on Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education (last revised December 18, 2018)

The Committee on Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs/Assistant Vice President for Research (ex officio), and one (1) graduate student.  Annually, the standing committee, in consultation with the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Council, shall name ex officio members who are expected to actively participate in standing committee deliberations. The duties of this standing committee shall be:

            1. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies concerning research and scholarly activities.
            2. To recommend to the Faculty Council policies concerning the Graduate School.
            3. To review and forward with recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee proposals for new graduate programs and changes in existing graduate programs.
            4. To conduct inquiries/investigations of charges of misconduct in research, artistry, and other scholarly activities, including charges of misconduct in science as federally mandated. The standing committee will coordinate such inquiries/investigations with the VPR and will develop a pool of faculty from which specific panels will be selected. At the discretion of the standing committee, persons who are not members of the faculty may be included on inquiry/investigative panels.

i. Committee on Scholastic Standards (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Scholastic Standards will consist of one (1) faculty member from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), and the Director of the Center for Advising and Student Achievement (CASA) (ex officio). The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council policies related to undergraduate academic standards and regulations and procedures for implementing and enforcing these policies.

The standing committee shall also act as a hearing board and render decisions on:

            1. Appeals of academic dismissal.
            2. Appeals for retroactive withdrawal.

 j. Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) dean (ex officio), the Provost (ex officio), the Vice President for Finance (ex officio), the chair of the Administrative Professional Council (ex officio voting), the chair of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty or designated member of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (ex officio voting), and the Chair of the Classified Personnel Council (ex officio, voting), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student. The duties of this standing committee shall be:

            1. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to planning and budgeting activities that affect the academic function of the University.
            2. To review the procedures, outcomes, and accountability of the University’s strategic planning processes and plans.
            3. To present the standing committee’s evaluations and recommendations on such planning processes and plans to the Faculty Council for approval or disapproval on a semiannual basis.
            4. To review University proposals, policies and procedures as they affect the academic programs and structure of the institution.
            5. To review new academic program proposals from a strategic and financial planning perspective and report recommendations to Faculty Council.
            6. To recommend priorities for resource allocations to achieve University academic planning goals.
            7. To recommend policies for the distribution of faculty compensation increases.
            8. To monitor the on-going financial status of the University and inform Faculty Council of any conditions likely to result in financial exigency.  The Committee should collect information about procedures used in other universities faced with financial exigency and any other information that would aid in developing reasonable plans to deal with current conditions of financial exigency.
            9. To consult with the President of the University regarding the declaration of the condition of financial exigency; should a recommendation of financial exigency be made by the President to the Board, the CoSFP chair shall present the views of the committee to the Board.

k. Committee on Teaching and Learning (last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on Teaching and Learning shall consist of one (1) faculty member from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the chair of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty or designated member of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (ex officio voting), the Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio), the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Vice President for Student Affairs’ designee (ex officio), and the Director of The Institute for Learning and Teaching (ex officio), one (1) graduate student, and one (1) undergraduate student. The duties of this standing committee shall be to recommend to the Faculty Council:

1. Policies, practices, and standards for maintaining and improving the quality of teaching and learning.
2. Policies related to undergraduate advising.
3. Policies related to academic records and registration and undergraduate admissions.
4. Policies related to the activities of:

a. The Institute for Learning and Teaching

b. Academic Computing and Networking Services

c. Student Outcomes Assessment

d. Other offices and programs that directly support instruction and student development.

5. Policies related to standards of student behavior, academic honesty, co-curricular activities and other aspects of campus life.
6. In addition to the foregoing, the Committee on Teaching and Learning will oversee the selection of the University Distinguished Teaching Scholars. The criterion for selection is outstanding teaching.  The Committee on Teaching and Learning will develop and publicize the selection process and the specific criteria for making the selection.

l. Committee on University Programs(last revised December 6, 2018)

The Committee on University Programs shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries,the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), one (1) graduate student and one (1) undergraduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

1. Concerning Centers, Institutes, and Other Special Units:

a. To develop and recommend to Faculty Council criteria for identifying university units subject to Section C.2.3.6 University Centers, Institutes, and Other Special Units.

b. To develop and recommend to Faculty Council policies and procedures for the establishment, continuance, and termination of centers, institutes, and other units meeting the established criteria.

c. In consultation with other standing committees as appropriate, to evaluate proposals for centers, institutes, and other units meeting the established criteria on the basis of (1) appropriateness and acceptability of the name of the unit and (2) consistency of the mission of the unit with the mission and strategic plan of the University, and to make recommendations based on these evaluations for action by Faculty Council.

2. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to University Advancement, Conference Services, and University facilities that affect the academic function of the University.
3. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to international activities, including international education, research and development, training, student services, and Intensive English.

m. University Curriculum Committee (last revised December 6, 2018)

The University Curriculum Committee shall consist of one (1) faculty representative from each college and the Libraries, the Chairperson of Faculty Council (ex officio), the Provost or the Provost’s designee (ex officio), one (1) undergraduate student, and one (1) graduate student.  The duties of this standing committee shall be:

            1. To receive or initiate recommendations pertaining to each and every course and program offered for academic credit by any unit of the University.
            2. To evaluate all proposals for new undergraduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments before consideration and approval by the Faculty Council.
            3. To evaluate all proposals for new graduate courses and programs as well as changes in existing courses and programs for correlation with other departments. Review of graduate programs is conducted after the Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education has recommended approval prior to their submission to the Faculty Council for approval.
            4. To develop necessary administrative procedures for informing interested colleges concerning courses under consideration.
            5. To evaluate proposals for the establishment of new departments, and the change of academic name, change in college affiliation, dissolution, division, or merger of existing departments.
            6. To recommend policies to the Faculty Council related to the operations of the Division of Continuing Education which impact curricula.

C.2.1.10 By-Laws of the Faculty Council (last revised February 4, 2003)

The provisions for the Faculty Council, its officers, its authority and responsibilities, its membership and method of election, and the several standing committees are to be found in the University Code.

The purpose of these by-laws is to provide an orderly democratic means of conducting the business of the Faculty Council at its meetings.

Article I. Meetings

Section 1.

The Faculty Council shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting per month during the academic year from September through May, except January. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or upon petition of twenty-five (25) or more members.

Section 2.

It shall be the responsibility of members to attend all meetings of the Faculty Council. When circumstances necessitate a member’s absence from one (1) or more meetings, the member may provide a substitute from among those in the group represented by the member but who are not members of Faculty Council, but who are qualified to hold membership on the Faculty Council. Substitutes should present written authorization to the Secretary of the Faculty Council. A substitute shall have all the powers, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of the member being replaced and shall be eligible to vote upon all motions coming before the Faculty Council.

Section 3.

Meetings of the Faculty Council are open to the public. Seats shall be designated for visitors and the boundaries of the designated section will be considered the bar of the Faculty Council. The Chairperson shall eject visitors who disturb the proceedings.

Section 4.

Non-members of the Faculty Council may be accorded the privilege of speaking to the Faculty Council when invited to do so by the Chairperson, the Executive Committee, or by a majority vote of the Faculty Council.

Article II. Meeting Agenda

Section 1.

The agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Council shall be distributed to all members of the Faculty Council at least one (1) week prior to each meeting. This requirement may be suspended by a regular motion of the Faculty Council.

Section 2.

Items of business should be submitted to the Chairperson for consideration by the Executive Committee at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled meeting wherein such items are to be discussed.

Section 3.

Minutes of all meetings shall be taken. They are to be distributed to all members of the Faculty Council prior to the next meeting. Minutes of all meetings shall be open to inspection by anyone. Copies shall be furnished upon request at a reasonable fee.

Article III. Motions and Voting (last revised February 4, 2003)

Section 1.

No matters shall be acted upon unless they are included in the agenda, except as provided for by Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.

Section 2.

For purposes of transacting business in Faculty Council and its committees, a simple majority of the voting members of the relevant body shall constitute a quorum. Voting in all matters, except where parliamentary rules dictate otherwise, shall be by simple majority of those voting. Voting by electronic means may be used by Faculty Council and its committees with prior approval by the relevant body, on a case by case basis, under conditions prescribed by the Faculty Council or the committee.

Article IV. Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.

The Faculty Council meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.

Section 2.

A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chairperson (see Section C.

Article V. Amendments to the By-Laws

Section 1.

These by-laws may be amended as described in Section C.2.9 – Amendment Procedure for the University Code.

C.2.2 Procedures for Programmatic and Organizational Change (last revised June 21, 2011)

The creation of new programs of study (undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degrees and interdisciplinary studies programs), departments, colleges, and Special Academic Units; the change of college or academic unit affiliation of programs of study and departments; and the change of academic name, dissolution, division, or merger of existing programs of study, departments, colleges, and Special Academic Units shall follow the following procedures:

a. A proposal to make a programmatic or organizational change may be initiated by any faculty member or University unit.

b. Proposed changes shall be considered by the appropriate departments, colleges, and Special Academic Units with student input.

c. Following recommendations by the appropriate departments, colleges, and Special Academic Units, and recommendations by the Committee on Scholarship, Research and Graduate Education, if appropriate, proposed changes shall be considered by the University Curriculum Committee.

d. Following recommendations by the University Curriculum Committee, and concurrence by the Faculty Governance Committee and the Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning, if appropriate, proposed changes shall be reported by the Executive Committee to the Faculty Council for consideration.

e. Following approval by Faculty Council, proposed changes that require action by the Board shall be reported through the Provost and the President to the Board.

C.2.3 Academic Organizations of the University

The academic organizations of the University are administered by the Office of the Provost.

C.2.3.1 Colleges and Academic Departments

The colleges, each organized under their respective academic dean, have general charge over their respective undergraduate and/or professional degree programs. These are:

a. College of Agricultural Sciences (last revised December 6, 2019)
Comprising the Departments of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Animal Sciences; Agricultural Biology; Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; and Soil and Crop Sciences.

b. College of Health and Human Sciences (last revised February 6, 2013)
Comprising the Departments of Construction Management; Design and Merchandising; Health and Exercise Science; Food Science and Human Nutrition; Human Development and Family Studies; Occupational Therapy; the School of Education; and the School of Social Work.

c. College of Business
Comprising the Departments of Accounting; Computer Information Systems; Finance and Real Estate; Management; and Marketing.

d. College of Engineering (last revised January 27, 2006)
Comprising the Departments of Atmospheric Science; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Mechanical Engineering.

e. College of Liberal Arts (last revised March 31, 2019)
Comprising the Departments of Anthropology; Art and Art History; Communication Studies; Economics; English; Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies; History; Journalism and Media Communication; Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology; and School of Music, Theatre, and Dance.

f. College of Natural Resources (last revised June 21, 2011)
Comprising the Departments of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability; Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology; Forest and Rangeland Stewardship; Geosciences; and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

g. College of Natural Sciences
Comprising the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Mathematics; Physics; Psychology; and Statistics.

h. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Comprising the Departments of Biomedical Sciences; Clinical Sciences; Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences; and Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology.

C.2.3.2 Graduate School(last revised August 3, 2012)

The Graduate School, organized under the Dean of the Graduate School, has general charge over all graduate degree programs. The faculty members of the Graduate School are designated by each of the academic departments offering graduate degrees.

C.2.3.3 Special Academic Units (last revised August 5, 2016)

Special Academic Units, each organized under their respective Director(s), have general charge over their respective degree programs. A Special Academic Unit cannot serve as the academic unit in which a faculty member has their appointment. The faculty members in a Special Academic Unit must come from more than one (1) department.  A Special Academic Unit may hire contract, continuing, and adjunct teaching faculty.

C.2.3.4 Division of Armed Forces Services

The Division, organized under the Coordinator of ROTC Affairs, has general charge of professional education in military science leading to commissioning of students as military officers. Its faculty members and administrative professionals include military personnel assigned to the administrative Departments of Military Science and Aerospace Studies.

C.2.3.5 Division of Continuing Education (last revised March 18, 2003)

The Division, organized under the Director of Continuing Education, has general charge of the University’s programs in continuing education and extended studies. The faculty members of the Division are designated by each of the participating departments.

C.2.3.6 University Centers, Institutes and Other Special Units (last revised June 14, 2000)

In accordance with policies set by the Faculty Council, faculty members may be organized into units to accomplish special missions in teaching, research, or service. The Committee on University Programs shall recommend policies and procedures concerning the establishment, continuance, and termination of such units to Faculty Council (see Section C. Faculty Council action regarding establishment or termination of such units shall be reported in accordance with Section B.2.6 of the Manual.

C.2.3.7 Libraries

The Libraries, organized under the Dean of Libraries, have general charge of the University’s library collections and facilities. The faculty members of the Libraries include all professional librarians.

C.2.3.8 University Honors Program (new section added June 13, 2001)

The University Honors Program (UHP), organized under the Director, has general charge over Honors students’ education. The Faculty Honors Council (FHC) serves as the UHP’s advisory board and curriculum committee.

a. The Faculty Honors Council (FHC) Membership

The FHC is composed of ten (10) voting members; one (1) elected representative from each of the eight colleges, one (1) elected representative from the University Libraries, and one (1) annually elected representative from the Honors Student Association. The UHP Director and Assistant Director shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members on the Faculty Honors Council.

Tenured, tenure-track, or transitional faculty members are eligible to serve as representatives and they shall constitute the electorate from each respective college and the University Libraries. Elections for membership on the FHC shall be conducted by the FHC representatives. Faculty representatives serve three (3) year terms and may stand for reelection.

b. Responsibilities of the Faculty Honors Council (FHC)

The FHC shall serve as an advisory board to the Director in the formulation and revision of UHP policies, and it shall constitute the Curriculum Committee of the UHP. The UHP curricular approval process shall be subject to the approval of the University Curriculum Committee and the Faculty Council and it shall follow the procedures of the Curricular Policies and Procedures Handbook.

C.2.3.9 Courses and Programs of Study (new section added May 3, 2011)

Courses and programs of study (undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degrees and interdisciplinary studies programs) may be housed within departments, colleges, the Graduate School, Special Academic Units, and the Office of the Provost.

C.2.4 Collegiate and Departmental Organization

C.2.4.1 Collegiate Organization

Each college shall operate under a college code. All college codes shall be consistent with the provisions of the University Code relating to collegiate matters. College codes shall conflict with neither the University Code nor with department codes. The University Code and the codes of the departments in the college shall take precedence over the college code.

A college code shall be prepared by a committee consisting of and elected by the faculty members of the college who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in C.2.4.2 together with the dean or the dean’s duly appointed representative.

After the college code has been approved by a majority of the eligible faculty members of the college as set forth in C.2.4.2, a copy of the code and any subsequent changes shall be provided to the dean of the college and reviewed by the Provost (as specified in C.2.4.3). The college shall begin to operate in accordance with the procedures of its code after a finding by the Provost that it is consistent with the University Code. A copy of the college code will be provided to each faculty member of the college concerned.

C. College Code (last revised June 9, 2023)

The college code shall provide for the following:

a. Designation of the title(s) of its administrative officer(s).

b. Recognition of shared governance and any administrative organization within the college, including all college-wide standing committees and their duties.

c. Statement of college objectives.

d. Procedures relating to self-evaluation of college operations.

e. Procedures for reviewing candidates for new or vacated administrative positions.

f. Procedures for evaluating and reviewing administrative officers.

g. Procedures for electing or appointing faculty members to college wide committees.

h. Procedures for addressing college wide academic matters.

i. Procedures for calling and convening college faculty member meetings.

j. Procedures for amending the code.

k. Procedures for reviewing the code at least once every five (5) years and submitting it to the Provost for review, whether or not any changes are made.

C. College Deans (last revised May 2, 2007)

College deans shall be appointed in the manner described in Section E.4.4 of the Manual. With respect to their administrative responsibility and capacity, deans are employed “at will” under Colorado law, and therefore, such administrative appointment may be terminated at any time, by either the dean or the University, for any reason or for no reason. Any such termination proposed by the University shall be recommended by the Provost to the President and the Board and is subject to final action by the Board or its delegee. To the extent that a dean holds a tenure-track or tenured appointment as a member of the faculty, the “at will” nature of the dean’s administrative appointment shall not modify or impair the rights otherwise associated with such an academic position.

For administrative planning and budget purposes only, an anticipated term of service, not to exceed five (5) years, shall be stipulated for each dean. Annually, the dean shall be evaluated in the manner described in Section C.2.7.b of the Manual. In the final year of the stipulated term, the dean shall undergo a Phase I Comprehensive Performance Review (see Section E.14.3.1) by the Provost using expectations described in Section E.12 of the Manual and based upon the dean’s distribution of effort. In the final year of the stipulated term, the Provost shall also conduct a review of the administrative performance as dean, and, after consultation with the faculty members and department heads of the college, shall determine the desirability of continued service as dean by the incumbent. If the incumbent is not reappointed, the Provost shall initiate a search for a replacement dean in accordance with Section E.4.4 of the Manual.

C.2.4.2 Departmental Organization (last revised June 21, 2011)

Each academic department shall operate under a departmental code. The departmental code shall be consistent with the provisions of the University Code relating to departmental matters, and the University Code shall take precedence in all instances. A departmental code shall be prepared by a committee composed of the department head and the faculty members of the department who are eligible to vote on the code, or a subcommittee thereof, if so voted by these eligible faculty members. The faculty members eligible to vote on the code are those who satisfy all of the following qualifications:

a. Currently a faculty member with a tenured, tenure-track,  or transitional appointment, or any other faculty appointment type that the department code specifies to be eligible.

b. In residence at the University or on sabbatical leave.

c. Administratively responsible to the head of the department in question.

Each faculty member with an interdepartmental appointment shall be considered a member of the department contracting for the greater percentage of the faculty member’s time. In the case of a faculty member having equal time in two (2) or more departments, that faculty member must decide in which department the faculty member wants representation. The status of such a faculty member shall remain unchanged unless changes in the faculty member’s academic appointment require a change in departmental representation.

After the departmental code has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the faculty members of the department eligible to vote, a copy shall be provided to the dean of the college and the Provost and, upon acceptance (as specified in Section C.2.4.3), the department shall begin to operate in accordance with the procedures of its code.

After amendments to a departmental code have been approved by the department, a copy of the amended code shall be provided to the dean of the college and the Provost, and, upon acceptance (as specified in Section C.2.4.3) of the amendments, the department shall begin to operate in accordance with its amended code.

Copies of the current departmental code shall be provided to each faculty member of the department concerned.

C. Departmental Codes (last revised June 9, 2023)

The departmental code shall provide for the following:

a. Designation of the title of its administrative officer.

b. Recognition of shared governance and any administrative organization within the department.

c. Statement of the departmental mission.

d. Procedures relating to the review of candidates for new or vacated faculty member positions.

e. Procedures relating to the review of recommendations for faculty members for acquiring tenure, for promotion in rank, and for reappointment.

f. Procedures for appointing faculty members to graduate student advisory committees.

g. Procedures for conducting annual and periodic comprehensive reviews of the performance of departmental faculty members as prescribed in Section E.14.

h. Procedures relating to self evaluation of departmental operations.

i. Procedures by which students may appeal academic decisions of their instructors. These procedures shall comply with the guidelines approved by Faculty Council (see Section I.7).

j. A minimum of one (1) departmental faculty member meeting each semester of the academic year, with written notice given in advance by the department head.

k. A periodic review of the departmental code as specified in Section C.

l. Procedures for amending the code. These procedures shall require approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the eligible faculty members of the department (as defined in Sections C.2.4.2) to amend the department code.

m. A clear specification of the voting rights of all members of the department who are not tenured, tenure-track, or transitional faculty members not otherwise specified in the Manual.

C. Operational Policies of Departments (last revised August 12, 2009)

Major aspects of the policies relating to the operation of departments are the following:

a. Duties of Department Head

The duties of the department head are those specified in Section C.2.6.2 of the University Code.

b. Selection of a Department Head

Department heads shall be appointed in the manner described in Section E.4.3 of the Manual. An interim appointment of an acting department head is recommended by the dean of the college to cover periods of absence or vacancy of at least three (3) months.

c. Term of Office of Department Head

In a department head’s capacity as the administrative officer in the department and the initial person in the administrative chain to the president, a department head is employed “at will” under Colorado law. Consequently, an appointment as department head may be terminated at any time, by either the department head or the University, for any reason or no reason. Any such proposed termination by the University shall normally be recommended by the dean to the Provost and the President and is subject to final action by the Board or its delegee.

To the extent that a department head holds a tenure-track or tenured appointment as a member of the faculty, the “at will” nature of the faculty member’s administrative appointment shall not modify or impair the rights otherwise associated with such a faculty member position.

For administrative planning and budget purposes only, an anticipated term of service, not to exceed five (5) years, shall be stipulated for each department head. Annually, however, the department head shall be evaluated in the manner described in Section C.2.7.a of the Manual. In the final year of the stipulated term, the department head shall undergo a Phase I Comprehensive Review (see Section E.14.3.1) by the dean of the college using expectations described in Section E.12 of the Manual and based upon the department head’s distribution of effort. In the final year of the stipulated term, the dean shall also conduct a review of the administrative performance of the department head, and, after consultation with the department faculty members, shall determine the desirability of continued service by the incumbent department head. If the incumbent department head is not reappointed, the dean shall initiate a search for a replacement department head in accordance with Section E.4.3 of the Manual.

d. Evaluations of Academic Programs and Departmental Operations

The purpose of the Evaluation of Academic Programs is to enable the departmental faculty members to assess the quality of the academic programs of the department. Academic programs are coherent sets of academic activities with specified goals. These programs, which are approved by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, lead to a degree or certificate.

The purpose of the Evaluations of Departmental Operations is to enable the departmental faculty members to evaluate the human resources, facilities and other physical resources, work environment, organization and administration of the department and other aspects of departmental operations in order to maintain and improve morale, effectiveness, and productivity. The Evaluation of Departmental Operations is not an evaluation of the performance of the department head, which is a responsibility of the dean and is addressed in Section C.2.7.a of the Manual.

Evaluations of academic programs and departmental operations shall be conducted concurrently. Ordinarily, these evaluations shall be conducted at intervals of no less than five (5) years and no greater than seven (7) years according to a schedule established by the Provost in consultation with the department. However, if members of departmental faculty or the department head are acutely dissatisfied with the operations of the department, they may initiate a request for an interim evaluation of the department. If the request comes from the departmental faculty members, at least one-half (0.5) (but not less than three (3) members) of those eligible must sign the request for an interim evaluation before it can be conducted. This request is to be submitted to the dean, who shall follow the procedure outlined for the regular evaluation after notifying the department head and the eligible faculty members of the request for an interim evaluation.

Evaluations shall be conducted by the eligible faculty members of the department (as defined in Section C.2.4.2) or by a committee selected by and from the eligible faculty members of the department. The results of the evaluation shall be presented to the department head and the dean in a report prepared in a format approved by the Provost. The dean shall transmit the report to the Provost. The dean and/or Provost may submit this report to internal and/or external reviewers. Reports of internal and external reviewers shall be transmitted to the department head and the review committee, who may respond to the reviewers’ report in writing. The reviewers’ reports and the responses from the department head and review committee, if there be such, shall become part of the report of the evaluation.

The evaluation process shall culminate in an action plan developed by the department. After approval by the departmental faculty members, the dean and the Provost, the action plan, together with an executive summary of the report of the evaluation, shall be forwarded for consideration in the university strategic planning process. The Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning shall receive a copy of the action plan and executive summary of the evaluation report.

e. Periodic Review of Departmental Code (new section added August 12, 2009)

The departmental code shall be reviewed in connection with the evaluations of academic programs and departmental operations. Whether or not amendments are made to the code, copies of the new code shall be provided to the dean of the college and the Provost, and, upon acceptance (as specified in Section C.2.4.3) of the new code, the department shall begin to operate in accordance with its new code. This review of the departmental code may occur during the year of the evaluations of academic programs and departmental operations, in the year prior to these evaluations, or in the year after the evaluations, as specified in the departmental code.

C.2.4.3 University Review of Departmental and College Codes

The Provost shall review and approve all college and departmental codes, including amendments thereto, for consistency with the University Code and the institution’s established policies, procedures, and applicable law. The Provost shall also provide a periodic report regarding the review of such codes to the President in such form as the President determines. Furthermore, upon request, a summary of such reports shall be provided by the President to the Board as an informational item.

C.2.5 Evaluation of Performance of Faculty (last revised May 6, 2021)

a. Each department code shall include procedures for conducting performance reviews of faculty members as required in Section E.14.

b. The evaluation of faculty members shall be based on qualitative and quantitative assessments of the faculty member’s fulfillment of responsibilities to the University during the period of evaluation. This evaluation shall be based upon criteria for teaching and advising, research and other creative activity, and service and/or outreach clearly articulated in departmental codes. Although there are some reasonable expectations for performance that cut across disciplines, performance criteria may vary among disciplines within the University according to the mission of the department and standards for the field. Assessment of the quality of a faculty member’s performance requires careful and critical review, necessarily involving judgments, and should never be reduced to purely quantitative measures.

c. If the faculty member has significant duties outside of the faculty member’s home department (e.g., a joint appointment with another department or significant service at the college or university level), then a written performance evaluation shall be requested from the supervisor for each of these duties. These external evaluations shall be taken into consideration for the performance review and when making decisions involving tenure, promotion, and merit salary increases.

d. The department head shall hold an annual conference with each member of the departmental faculty as part of the evaluation. The faculty member shall be fully advised concerning the methods and criteria used in the evaluation, the results of the evaluation, and how the results will be utilized.

e. The evaluation shall be in writing. The faculty member shall be given the opportunity to append written comments to the evaluation. The evaluation shall be signed by the department head and by the faculty member, and the faculty member shall receive a copy of the evaluation.

f. Grievances between a faculty member and the department head that may arise from evaluation of performance or other personnel matters shall be acted upon in accordance with Section K.

g. Each department head shall develop procedures to solicit formal input from the tenured faculty members (or their duly elected committee) as the annual evaluation of non-tenured faculty members is prepared and prior to making recommendations for reappointments.

C.2.6 Duties of Officers (last revised June 9, 2023)

C.2.6.1 Deans of the Colleges (last revised June 9, 2023)

The dean of a college is the principal administrative and academic officer of that college. Department heads with their staffs are responsible to the dean. The dean serves as chairperson of meetings of the department heads and/or faculty members of the college.

The dean of a college has the following principal and specific responsibilities:

a. Review and approval of budgets for all departments of the college.

b. General, but not detailed, supervision of and maintenance of adherence to determined departmental budgets and coordination and attention to equity in salaries and other fiscal matters within the framework of academic instruction in the college.

c. Development and strengthening of the faculty members, facilities, undergraduate and graduate teaching, research and extension programs, and prestige of the college in the interest of the entire University.

d. Consideration and approval of recommendations for appointments, advancement, and tenure of college staff members.

e. Development and coordination of curricula to meet changing educational and vocational needs of students together with maintenance of acceptable standards for admission and retention of students majoring in the college.

f. Analysis of teaching loads and related staff responsibilities to promote the best interests of students and maximum effectiveness of the faculty member as well as their individual professional development and accomplishment.

g. Coordination of all academic and instructional matters within the college and with other colleges and departments.

h. Counseling of both faculty members and students in need of direction or advice.

i. Objective evaluation of programs within the dean’s college.

j. Work toward achieving the University’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals.

k. Adhere to principles of shared governance in the implementation of the above responsibilities.

Recommendations for appointment of department heads are the responsibility of the dean. The dean shall provide for appointment of a departmental committee to advise the dean and shall make available to members of the committee written instructions concerning procedures to be followed, minimum qualifications acceptable for the position, and specific responsibility of an advisory committee.

The deans shall receive and analyze annual and semiannual departmental reports in their respective colleges and shall transmit these, together with their college reports, through the Provost to the President for transmittal to the Board,

C.2.6.2 Department Heads (last revised June 9, 2023)

The department head is the administrative and academic officer in the department and is the initial person in the administrative chain to the President. Members of the department staff are responsible to the department head. The department head has the general responsibility for any staff activities which may affect the professional status of the department or the best interests of the University.

Specific responsibilities of the department head are:

a. Preparation of the departmental budget.

b. Administration of and adherence to the departmental budget.

c. Evaluation of each departmental faculty member in accordance with the University Code.

d. Initiation of recommendations for appointments, advancement, tenure, and dismissal of staff members, including incorporation of input from students and faculty members’ relating to the teaching and advising effectiveness of faculty members being recommended for reappointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal, and salary increase.

e. Management of academic and financial matters within the department to promote student achievement, equity in travel and professional opportunities for staff members, and adjustment of faculty members’ loads and salaries consistent with experience, competence, capacity, productivity, and aptitude of individual staff members.

f. Preparation of reports called for by higher authorities or by agencies of the institution charged with coordinating the general program of the University.

g. Adhere to principles of shared governance in the implementation of the above responsibilities.

Additional responsibilities of the department head, together with the departmental staff, are: development and strengthening of undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, extension programs, and faculty members’ service and competence within the department; construction of sound curricula to meet educational needs of students; cooperation with and assistance to other departments in matters affecting the University in its undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and extension programs; effective staff recruitment; development and maintenance of departmental morale; contributions to shared governance; and work toward achieving the University’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals.

C.2.7 Evaluation of Performance of Officers (last revised June 9, 2023)

a. The performance of each department head shall be evaluated annually by the dean of the appropriate college. In making the evaluation, the dean shall solicit and utilize information obtained from all faculty members in the respective department.

b. The performance of each dean shall be evaluated annually by the Provost. When evaluating a college dean, the Provost shall solicit and utilize information from the faculty members of the dean’s college obtained in accordance with that college’s procedures.

c. The performance of each vice president shall be evaluated annually by the President. In making the evaluation, the President shall solicit and utilize information obtained from all deans and directors reporting to the respective vice president.

d. The performance of the President is evaluated by the Board. In its evaluation, the Board solicits opinions from faculty members which are provided by the Faculty Council and its Executive Committee through the Faculty Council Representative to the Board.

e. Evidence of substantial, demonstrable leadership in meeting diversity, equity and inclusion goals, and facilitating shared governance shall be included in evaluations of all administrative officers.

C.2.8 Creation and Organization of Special Academic Units (last revised August 5, 2016)

C.2.8.1 Creation of a Special Academic Unit

Initial approval for the creation of a Special Academic Unit shall follow the procedures in Section C.2.2. The proposal for the creation of a Special Academic Unit shall include all of the following:

a. It shall specify the name and the mission. The name shall not include the terms “department” or “college,” but, in some cases, it may be appropriate for the name to include the term “school.”

b. It shall specify the proposed Director(s).

c. It shall include a proposed code, as described in Section C.2.8.3.

d. It shall specify a group of participating tenure track/tenured faculty members from more than one (1) department (see Section C.2.3.3).

e. For each department participating in the Special Academic Unit, there shall be a written document signed by the proposed Director(s) of the Special Academic Unit, the department head, and the college dean detailing the expected commitments of the department to the Special Academic Unit.

f. For each college participating in the Special Academic Unit, there shall be a written document signed by the proposed Director(s) of the Special Academic Unit and the college dean detailing the expected commitments of the college to the Special Academic Unit.

g. For each participating tenure track/tenured faculty member who is listed as helping to deliver the courses and/or programs of the Special Academic Unit, there shall be a written document signed by the proposed Director(s) of the Special Academic Unit, the faculty member, the head of the faculty member’s home department, and the dean of faculty member’s college detailing the expected commitments to the Special Academic Unit, the duration of these commitments, and how these expectations shall be factored into performance evaluations within the home department.

h. It shall identify the organizational units and faculty expertise which are critical to the success of the Special Academic Unit and identify their critical roles.

i. It shall present a budget for the Special Academic Unit that details sources and financial commitments and it shall demonstrate the existence of sufficient financial and other resources to carry out any activities associated with Special Academic Unit operations and programs.

j. It shall present a plan for required Library resources.

C.2.8.2 Housing of Courses and Programs of Study

Proposals by Special Academic Units to house courses and/or programs of study shall follow the same curriculum procedures as for departments (as closely as possible), including approval by Faculty Council. Any deviations from these procedures to fit the distinctive characteristics of a Special Academic Unit must be approved by the University Curriculum Committee and Faculty Council. New degrees and majors require the approval of the Board and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.

C.2.8.3 Code of a Special Academic Unit

A Special Academic Unit shall operate under a code that includes all of the following:

a. The code shall specify the departments and other organizational units that will participate in the operation of the Special Academic Unit.

b. The code shall specify the next higher level of administrative oversight.

          1. If all of the participating tenure track/tenured faculty members are from the same college, then the dean of that college shall provide the administrative oversight, and the Director(s) shall report to this dean.
          2. If the participating tenure track/tenured faculty members are from more than one (1) college, then the administrative oversight may consist of a single dean or an Administrative Oversight Committee that includes multiple deans (or their designees). Typically, the number of deans should be large enough that at least eighty (80) percent of the participating tenure track/tenured faculty members are in the colleges of these deans. The choice of which deans are included should be re-evaluated as the distribution of the participating tenure track/tenured faculty members among the colleges changes with time.
          3. An Administrative Oversight Committee containing two (2) or more deans (or their designees) shall also include the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, if the Special Academic Unit houses undergraduate courses and/or programs of study, and the Dean of the Graduate School, if the Special Academic Unit houses graduate courses and/or programs of study.
          4. The code shall specify whether the members of the Administrative Oversight Committee have equal or unequal voting rights (and the basis for the determination of voting rights).
          5. If the Administrative Oversight Committee includes only the Vice Provost for Undergradaute Affairs, then the Director(s) shall report to that vice provost. If the Administrative Oversight Committee contains both the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and the Dean of the Graduate School, then the code shall specify to which the Director(s) reports.
          6. The code shall specify the duties and responsibilities of the Director of the Special Academic Unit.  The dean or vice provost to whom the Director(s) reports shall choose future Director(s). The code shall specify the process for the selection of a Director.  The code shall specify the process for initiating a change of Director.
          7. The dean or vice provost to whom the Director(s) reports shall have oversight of the budget account(s) for the Special Academic Unit.

c. The code shall specify the role of the participating departments and other organizational units in the selection of the Director(s).

d. The code shall specify how departments and other organizational units are added to and removed from the list of participants.

e. The code shall specify how faculty members are added to and removed from the list of participating faculty members.

f. The code shall specify that a minimum of one (1) faculty meeting shall be held each semester of the academic year, as well as how additional faculty meetings may be called and how far in advance written notice must be given by the Director(s) for faculty meetings.

g. The code shall specify the voting rights of the participating tenured, tenure-track, contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty members with respect to decisions regarding the governance of the Special Academic Unit.

h. The code shall specify the timeline for conducting self-evaluations and accompanying reviews of the code at least one each five (5) years.

i. The code shall specify the procedures and responsibilities concerning contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty hired by the Special Academic Unit including, but not limited to, performance evaluations, promotion criteria, reappointment procedures, salary exercises, and the administrative line of responsibility for contract, continuing, and adjunct faculty appointments.

j. The code shall specify the procedures for amending the code. These procedures shall require approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the faculty members eligible to vote for changes to the code.

k. The Special Academic Unit shall have a procedures manual, and the code shall specify the process for amending this procedures manual.

l. The code shall specify the process for the formation of an Academic Committee to oversee curricular matters, including the process for the selection of the members of the committee(s). The membership of the committee(s) shall provide appropriate representation of the departments and other organizational units participating in the Special Academic Unit.

m. The code shall specify the procedures and processes by which curricular proposals from the Academic Committee reach the University Curriculum Committee.

          1. If the administrative oversight is provided by only one (1) dean, then curricular proposals from the Academic Committee shall be sent for review to that college’s curriculum committee and then to the University Curriculum Committee.
          2. If the administrative oversight is provided by an Administrative Oversight Committee, then curricular proposals from the Academic Committee shall be sent for review to each of the college curriculum committees for the colleges having deans (or their designees) on the Administrative Oversight Committee. Any one (1) of these college curriculum committees may forward the proposal, together with the results of the reviews from all participating college curriculum committees, to the University Curriculum Committee.
          3. If the number of college curriculum committees involved makes it advisable, the code may include the formation of a Liaison Committee whose members serve as liaisons to their respective college curriculum committees with regard to curricular proposals coming from the Academic Committee.

n. If the Special Academic Unit houses undergraduate programs of study, the code shall include a description of the appointment of academic advisors.

o. If the Special Academic Unit houses graduate programs of study, the code shall include a description of the appointment of graduate advisory committees for graduate students.

p. If the Special Academic Unit houses courses, the code shall specify the procedures by which students may appeal academic decisions of their instructors. These procedures shall comply with guidelines approved by Faculty Council (see Section I.7).

C.2.9 Amendment Procedure (last revised May 3, 2011)

This University Code may be amended by the Faculty Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at a given meeting provided the amendment has been distributed to the members of Faculty Council at least two (2) weeks in advance. Amendments shall be subject to the approval of the Board. Such proposed University Code changes shall be published in the agenda.

1 Throughout the University Code the term “departments” shall include the School of Education and the School of Social Work.

2 See Section C.2.1.8 Faculty Athletics Representative